BeamNG – East Coast Snowing Map V1.2

East Coast Snowing map mod for BeamNG.Drive

A snowy winter has come to the east coast!
The map remained the same pleasant for East Coast rides, but was dressed in a winter environment. It is snowing all over the map and it is very beautiful.
Prepared for patch 0.26 only! In future versions, it will only work if the developers of the game do not make changes to it.

Version 1.2:
The mod is better organized, the file size is reduced;
The terrain looks more wintery;
Removed leaves no longer cast shadows or collide;
Invisible vegetation removed.

Authors: Stuntman PS2

Game Version: BeamNG.Drive
Test: This mod not tested. - File Details: 135 MB / Zip
BeamNG – East Coast Snowing Map V1.2 Download Mod

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4 Responses

  1. raiden says:

    love this map

  2. UrDadNeverComeBackLOL says:

    Broo ITS PERFECT!!!

  3. Mary Galarza Winton says:


    • ALEXUTZU_10 says:

      Harta este foarte frumoasa doar ca npc-urile se accidenteaza foarte repede si drumurile sunt destul de alunecoase dar mie imi place harta

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